NYT ‘Links’ hints and answers for Friday, February 21

Looking to hint and the answers to Thursday’s links? You can find them here:

staleNYT ‘Links’ today: suggestions and answers for Thursday, February 20

Hey, people! The weekend is exactly around the corner, and I think most of us will be grateful for this. Hope you have a more great weekend, whatever it means to you (as long as everything is on the board, of course). I think you deserve it.

Before we start, I have created a discussion set to link And this column in dispute. You can talk about each game (and other topics) with me and other people. I am always interested in finding out how other people approach the game, so join us! Fun fun.

Also also the best way to give me any reaction to the column, especially in the rare (!) Cases that I grab something.

Present -day Nyt link Suggestions and answers for Friday, February 21, are coming immediately.

How to play links

link It’s a free, popular New York Times Daily game of words. You get a new puzzle at midnight every day. You can play in Nyt website or the game app.

You are presented with a 16 -word network. Your job is to fix them into four groups of four by understanding the links between them. Groups can be things like articles you can click, names for research study participants or words preceded by a part of the body.

There is only one solution for each puzzle, and you will need to be careful when it comes to words that can be introduced into more than one category. You can change the words to help you see the links between them.

Each group is coded in color. The yellow group is usually easier to understand, fall blue and green in the middle, and the purple group is usually more difficult. The purple group often includes the word word.

Choose four words you think you go together and press submit. If you make an assumption and you are incorrect, you will lose a life. If you are close to having an accurate set, you can see a message telling you that you are a word away from getting the right, but you will still need to understand which one to change.

If you make four mistakes, it’s a game. Let’s make sure it won’t happen with the help of some suggestions, and if you are really fighting, today link Answers. As with Word And other similar games, it is easy to share results with your friends on social media and group conversations.

If you have one Nyt All entry or game reconciliations, you can access the publication link Archive this includes any previous game of linkSo you can turn and play any of what you have lost.

In addition to the first 60 or more matches, you need to be able to find my suggestions for each network through Google if you need them! JUST Click here And add the date of the game for which you need data or answers to the search question.

What are today’s link suggestions?

Go slowly! Only after allusions to each of today link Groups, I will find out what the groups are without telling you what words they enter.

16 Today’s words are …

  • Guitar
  • Take
  • VIEW
  • Resolution
  • harvesting
  • readjust
  • Can open
  • Baseball
  • Wand
  • Reply
  • crops
  • pile up
  • Golf
  • lariat
  • readjust

And suggestions for today link The groups are:

  • Yellow Group – Choose an issue
  • Green Group – Gather products
  • Blue group – like healing brushes or color samples
  • Purple group –

What are today’s groups of connections?

Do you need additional help?

To be warned: we are starting to enter into Spoiler’s territory.

Present -day link The groups are …

  • Yellow group – the way of solving a problem
  • Green Group – Collect, as from a orchard
  • Blue Group – Photoshop tool
  • Purple group- objects that may be right or left

What are today’s connections answers?

Spoiler Alert! Do not move further down the page until you are ready to discover today link Answers.

This is your last warning!

Present -day link The answers are …

  • Yellow group – the way of solving a problem (response, rule, medicine, solution)
  • Green Group – Collect, as from a orchard (gather, harvest, choose, harvest)
  • Blue Group – Photoshop tool (Eraser, Eyedropper, Lasso, Magic Wand)
  • Purple group- objects that can be right or left (baseball gloves, can be opened, golf club, guitar)

My four perfect games are over, but my overall radius now stands in 15 wins. Here’s how I left:


That was interesting! Many words and fun objects to be flattened.

I immediately saw that there were many words related to solving a problem: solution, adjustment, tire, wand, response and medicine. So I decided to stay away from them from the beginning.

Fortunately, the greens were easy enough to see. Then I realized that guitar, baseball gloves, magic wand, golf club and Lasso are all important items in certain professions. I felt like I had to go with my gut, and fortunately it worked since I got yellows.

I was very stuck after that, so I tried an assumption of magic wand, guitar, golf club and Lasso, just to check. But no, I wasn’t even one away from a group. This meant that there were two purple and two blues between those four. I turned off the guitar and lasso for wrestling and eyedropper opening, and I had the same result.

But then Can Opener stood out for me. I realized it’s something that comes in left and right hand versions. And that was the key to me taking purple.

I would have very few chances to get the blouse. I do not use Adobe Photoshop (or know how to use it, to be honest), although image editing is a useful ability to have in my work line.

That’s all it has for it for today link data and answers. Make sure you check my blog tomorrow for suggestions and solving for Saturday’s game if you need them.

PS After mentioning a feist song in yesterday’s recommendations, I feel the need to execute it with two most brilliant songs from its third album, memory. “1234” is probably her biggest hit so far. So lovely:

I really love the version that Feist also made in Sesame Street. It always surprises me how this video manages to stir so much emotion in me:

β€œI feel it all” is another great song from memory. Really evokes a sense of time and place for me, from a time in my life, where I was really trying to understand things. (I’m still, actually). One of those songs that makes me feel happy and sad at the same time. Super super attractive and has a fun video too:

Pass a wonderful day! Stay hydrated! Call someone you love!

If you are so prone, please do Follow my blog to more coverage of link And other games with words and even some news, knowledge and analysis of video games. It helps me a lot! Also, follow me Bluesky! Funny pleasure there.

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